C-band Femtosecond Fiber Laser 1535~1560nm Wavelength Tunable Fiber Laser
The C-band bench top femtosecond fiber laser(FPL) is passively mode-locked fiebr laser thae urilizes a saturable absorber to deliver excellent stability and reliability, with turnkey operation. Along with portable design, the FPL series offers user-friendly front panel control knobs for flexible adjustment of wavelengths, pulse width, and output power. Both tunable(throughout the C-band) and fixed wavelength version are available. The pulse width is factory selectable from 0.5 to 0.5ps, with near transform-limited pulse shape and a better than 20 pedestal.
The timing jitter is as low as 60 fs. The repetition rate can be specified from 10 to 100MHz with either a polarization-maintaining(PM) or none PM fiber output. With up to 200mW output power, the FPL series is the most economical solution for applications requiring low power, such as seeding amplifier systems.
1. Wavelength tunable from 1535 to 1560nm
2. Pulse selectable from 0.1 to 0.5 ps
3. Average power from 1mW to 200mW
4. Pulse width tunability
5. Near transform-limited output
6. Minimal pulse pedestal
7. Low timing jitter
8. RF synchronization output
9. Turnkey operation
1. Telecommunication components characterization
2. Optical high speed sampling
3. Terahertz radiation
4. Optical switching
5. Materials characterization
6. Optical metrology